Enrichment Activities

UBC Health supports health programs to advance interprofessional and collaborative practice by hosting the Collaborative Health Education Enrichment Activities Canvas site. It is a platform for health disciplines to share information about elective collaborative health activities available to students and facilitate registration.

Enrichment activities help build capacity for learning that prepares students for interprofessional practice. They offer students the opportunity to gain knowledge and skills to work interprofessionally as well as the opportunity to learn about patient and community perspectives.

Access to the site is through a self-enrollment button on the site’s page and is accessible to anyone with a UBC Campus-Wide Login (CWL). 

Enrichment Activity Submissions

UBC Health accepts enrichment activity submissions twice a year: 

  • 2022/23 Winter Term 1 Activities: Submissions open from May 16 to August 15, 2022
  • 2022/23 Winter Term 2 Activities: Submissions open from October 17 to December 1, 2022

For current term activities (2021/22 Winter Term 2), UBC Health is accepting enrichment activity submissions until May 1, 2022.


UBC Health will support activity leads by:

  • Creating a unique page on the Canvas site
  • Creating a standardized Qualtrics registration form for the activity lead to manage
  • Sharing a monthly announcement to all students enrolled in the Canvas site to update them on new activities

Activity leads will be responsible for:

  • Sharing activity content with UBC Health for the Canvas site
  • Promoting the activity and managing communication with students (beyond the monthly Canvas announcement from UBC Health)
  • Registration management
  • Activity logistics (Zoom or room bookings)
  • Activity delivery
  • Sharing final attendance list with UBC Health, including discipline of participants
Activity Criteria

Activities must:

  1. have explicit interprofessional learning objectives that align with the competencies articulated in CIHC National Interprofessional Competency Framework;
  2. be delivered to students from two or more disciplines;
  3. offer interactive learning that provides students with an opportunity to learn about, with, and from each other; and
  4. be led by a faculty member at UBC Vancouver or UBC Okanagan (student-led activities must have a UBC faculty sponsor).

Submission Process

Winter Term 1 Activities
For enrichment activities that occur during Winter Term 1 (Sept-Dec)

  • Submissions open: May 16, 2022
  • Submission deadline: August 15, 2022

Winter Term 2 Activities
For enrichment activities that occur during Winter Term 2 (Jan-April)

  • Submissions open: October 17, 2022
  • Submission deadline: December 1, 2022

To submit an enrichment activity, please complete the Enrichment Activity Application Form and email it to Lizzie Hodkinson, Project Coordinator, UBC Health at lizzie.hodkinson@ubc.ca.

Funding Applications

Each May between 2022 and 2024, UBC Health invites faculty members and students from UBC Vancouver and UBC Okanagan to apply for funding to support the development and delivery of a collaborative health learning opportunity. Funding of up to $2,000 per year, to a maximum of $6,000 over three years, is available. 

UBC Health will accept funding applications between May 16 and June 15, 2022.

Key Dates
May 16, 2022 Call opens for funding applications
June 15, 2022 Deadline to submit funding applications
July 1, 2022 Applicants notified of decision
September 2022 Distribution of funds
September 2022 to June 2023 Delivery of activity
August 31, 2023 Final reports due
Eligibility Criteria

Proposed activities must:

  1. have explicit interprofessional learning objectives that align with the competencies articulated in CIHC National Interprofessional Competency Framework;
  2. be delivered to students from two or more disciplines; 
  3. offer interactive learning that provides students with an opportunity to learn about, with, and from each other; and
  4. be led by a faculty member at UBC Vancouver or UBC Okanagan (student-led activities must have a UBC faculty sponsor).
Selection Process

UBC Health will use the activity criteria listed above to recommend proposal selection and prioritization to the Associate Vice-President, Health, who will review the recommendations and make the final decision about the number of activities to be funded.


Successful applicants will need to provide a report after the delivery of their activity each year, including an overview of the activity, disciplines, and number of students who participated. UBC Health will provide a report template. Final reports are due August 31, 2023.

Application Process

If your proposal meets the activity criteria, please complete the Enrichment Activity Funding Application Form and email it to Lizzie Hodkinson, Project Coordinator, UBC Health at lizzie.hodkinson@ubc.ca by end of day on June 15, 2022.


When does the activity have to take place?
Activities should take place in the academic year following their application.

If I receive funding, do I receive it for three years?
Funding is confirmed for one year only. You will need to submit an application each year, to a maximum of three years.

What support will UBC Health provide?
UBC Health will create a unique page on the Canvas site, create a standardized Qualtrics registration form for the activity lead to manage, and share a monthly announcement to all students enrolled in the Canvas site to update them on new activities.

Activity leads will be responsible for sharing activity content with UBC Health, promoting the activity and managing communication with students beyond the monthly UBC Health Canvas announcement, managing registrations, activity logistics and delivery, and completing a report for UBC Health.

Do I need to submit an enrichment activity application as part of my funding application?
Enrichment activity applications are not required as part of your funding application. They should be submitted in advance of the delivery of your activity, whether you receive funding or not.

What can I include in my funding request?
Budget may include curriculum design, coordination, facilitator payment, parking, honoraria, and catering. However, your proposal will need to include a sustainability plan.

Am I required to submit a funding report?
Successful applicants will need to provide a report after the delivery of their activity each year, including an overview of the activity, disciplines, and number of students who participated. UBC Health will provide a report template. Final reports are due August 31, 2023.

What if I plan an activity that does not happen?
If funding recipients do not deliver the proposed activity, they will need to return all funds to UBC Health.