Strategic Plan

UBC Health’s strategic plan represents the vision and priorities of the University of British Columbia in advancing collaborative health. It provides a roadmap to guide our activity across both the Vancouver and Okanagan campuses and outlines a set of outcomes against which we can hold ourselves accountable. It also creates a framework to support new collaborations that help draw the university and the communities we serve closer together. 

Our purpose

BETTER HEALTH TOGETHER: Connecting people, ideas, and actions to advance health outcomes, equity, and systems

Our core areas

Our work focuses on three core areas: 

Our priorities

There are persistent health challenges and inequities that demand a collaborative approach, creating important foci for our work. UBC Health has the ability to help effect change beyond the university by promoting and enabling change in what happens at UBC. Complementing efforts throughout the university and health sectors, we seek to connect diverse expertise and resources across disciplines to help advance education, research, and policy in pressing areas. We have established partnerships with units and organizations, including the Centre for Excellence in Indigenous Health, BC Centre on Substance Use, and Rural Coordination Centre of BC.

We continue to work with colleagues and partners to identify ways to support the health of all people in BC, aligning our work with provincial priorities and adapting our approaches and activities accordingly. As priorities evolve, we will continue to develop partnerships to support our work.

Moving forward

We are progressing our objectives through a combination of internal facilitation and external mobilization, with faculty members and academic units playing a key role alongside the Office of the Vice-President, Health. In some of this work, the Office of the Vice-President, Health will lead and, in other aspects, it will promote and support the activities of the faculties, schools, and departments that share the vision of UBC Health.

We thank everyone who contributed to the development of our strategic plan and those who contribute each day to collaborative health—whether through education, research, or practice. We look forward to continued partnerships as we work towards our goal of better health together.

Read the strategic plan

Better Health Together: UBC Health Strategic Plan 2021-2026

If you wish to print our strategic plan, please download the following versions:

Presentation of Strategic Plan