Virtual reality innovation in exposure therapy
What do you think of when you hear “virtual reality”? Virtual reality...
UBC Health has created two special interest groups (SIG):
This special interest group supports the development of a community of practice for health partners who have a role in facilitating the delivery of practice education in rural and remote areas of BC. Through the SIG, UBC Health will share best practices, stories, and funding opportunities related to practice education in rural/remote BC. In addition, the SIG will provide opportunities to discuss new and emerging challenges and opportunities in rural/remote practice education and opportunities to collaborate with colleagues and partners across BC.
If you have a role or interest in addressing the quality and capacity of rural and remote placements, you're encouraged to subscribe to SIG emails and read previous SIG emails.
In partnership with the BC Centre on Substance Use, this special interest group supports the development of a community of practice for those interested in substance use and addiction education. The email list provides updates, education and training opportunities, event notifications, and resources related to substance use and addiction.
If you have an interest in learning more about substance use and addiction, or have a role in providing care, you're encouraged to subscribe to SIG emails and read previous SIG emails.
Posted on February 7, 2022