Health After 2020

Our understanding of the determinants and experience of health and wellbeing is changing.

In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated some existing trends and put a spotlight on others. We now have the challenge of responding to the broad effects of the pandemic. But we also have an opportunity to think differently about how we define and value health, how we understand the complex systems that produce health, and how we rise to the challenge of supporting equity in health across individuals, communities, and societies. 

Health After 2020 is UBC Health's response to this opportunity. It is a program designed to support researchers to engage in interdisciplinary collaborations and build a community of UBC Health scholars. The program convenes and informs people at this inflection point in our society through the development of research collaborations, academic outputs, cross-campus conversations, and open dialogue sessions that are delivered as part of the UBC Health Dialogue Series.

Program Objectives 

  • Promote interdisciplinary collaborations that produce and disseminate new knowledge related to health and health equity
  • Foster knowledge exchange and dialogue 
  • Create opportunities for engagement between researchers and the public

Program Overview

Dialogue Sessions

View the upcoming dialogue sessions.

Funding opportunity

The Health After 2020 program offers funding of up to $10,000 to UBC faculty members who are interested in starting or extending a collaborative relationship with a scholar or collaborator from outside UBC.


Each funded collaboration will represent a cross-institutional and cross-disciplinary partnership that will:

  • Produce some form of academic output, e.g. a white paper, journal article, popularized version of current knowledge on a topic, grant application 
  • Facilitate a more in-depth inward-facing interaction with faculty and learners at both campuses of UBC 
  • Deliver a dialogue session

Dialogue Session

The dialogue session will be planned with and supported by UBC Health and delivered as part of the UBC Health Dialogue Series. Each dialogue session will result in the following, which will be hosted on the UBC Health website:

  • A recorded video of the dialogue session 
  • A short (< five minutes) video interview to discuss the main points of the dialogue session
  • A one-page summary of key points
  • A list of resources 

The Health After 2020 program will build a community of UBC Health scholars who, through their research and engagement in the program, will share knowledge and perspectives. This community will advance both our understanding of and a research agenda for health equity for individuals, communities, and societies.

As the ability to host in-person events increases, budget to facilitate the travel of external collaborators to UBC will be considered separately and in addition to the $10,000 maximum funding.


The call for proposals is closed.

  Open All


For an application to be considered, the proposal must meet the following minimum requirements:

  1. The principal applicant must be a faculty member at UBC-V or UBC-O. 
  2. The proposal must include the involvement of (at least) one scholar or collaborator from outside UBC. 
  3. Co-applicants must come from at least one other discipline and faculty to that of the principal applicant. 
  4. Ideally at least one trainee will be involved. 
  5. Proposals must be feasible in the current context of COVID-19 and related activity restrictions.
Selection Criteria

Applications that meet the above minimum requirements will be evaluated as they come in based on the following differentiating criteria:

  • A clearly defined output that is feasible and aligns with the themes and intent of Health After 2020.
  • Clear plans for engagement with UBC faculty, staff, students, and surrounding community members.
  • The depth of cross-disciplinary and cross-institutional collaboration. 
  • The inclusion of trainees.
  • Equity, diversity, and inclusion are reflected in the collaboration.
Frequenty Asked Questions

What are the deadlines?

July 14, 2021 Series launch, featuring inaugural dialogue session
July 14, 2021 Call for proposals open
July 26, 2021 Q&A webinar
September 30, 2021 Deadline for proposal submissions
Ongoing Applicants notified of decision

Where do I find the application form?
Download the Health After 2020 Proposal Form.

What constitutes a cross-faculty collaboration?
Collaborators should include individuals from different disciplines in different faculties at UBC or external partners from a different discipline. For example, collaborators should not be from different disciplines within the UBC Faculty of Medicine, unless the external collaborator is from a discipline not represented within this Faculty. 

What is meant by the theme of Health After 2020?
The Health After 2020 program aims to support collaborators to think differently about how we define and value health, how we understand the complex systems that produce health, and how we rise to the challenge of supporting equity in health across individuals, communities, and societies in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. The program is designed to convene and inform people at this inflection point in our society. 

Does the collaboration need to explicitly address a COVID-19 related issue?
Issues that align with the theme of the program are broad and may be related to the health, social, economic, cultural, and/or environmental impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Can the funding be used to strengthen a past collaboration, or must it be a new one?
Collaborations do not need to be new. The program supports both new and existing projects that may have been challenged by policies, procedures, or funding constraints. 

Can I submit multiple applications?
Yes, but we endeavour to distribute the funding widely and award funds to different collaborators. 

How long are the funds provided for?
While we will offer some flexibility on timing, we hope that projects will be completed, including the delivery of outputs, within one year of receiving the funding. Please indicate in your application if you need the funding to be available beyond one year. 

Are activities related to the collaboration able to occur throughout Canada and internationally?
Yes. Collaborations that have a provincial, national, or global impact are encouraged. 

Are there a specific number of proposals that will be awarded each year as part of the program?
The number of projects funded will depend on the quantity and quality of applications that align with the program theme and UBC Health’s capacity to host the dialogue sessions throughout the year. 

What are some types of expenses that the funding can cover? 
UBC follows the Tri-Agency Guide on Financial Administration. Please refer to Part 2: Use of grant funds as a guide for eligible and ineligible expenses. 

Can the funding be used to cover salaries of the collaborators? For example, could it cover sessional time for a healthcare professional to ‘buy out’ clinic time to participate in scholarly activities?
The program does not provide funding for faculty time but can be used to support a post-doctoral fellow, research assistant, trainee, or buy-out of clinical time. 

Can this funding be used in conjunction with other funding?

What are the expectations of funding recipients in the delivery of the dialogue session?
The dialogue session will take the form of a public lecture delivered in partnership with UBC Health as part of the UBC Health Dialogue Series. Members of the UBC Health team will be available to assist with the overall event delivery, but all lecture content and the convening of a collaborative panel of speakers will be the responsibility of the funding recipient.

When will the dialogue session be held?
Dialogue sessions will be delivered as part of the UBC Health Dialogue Series. These sessions are expected to begin in September 2021 and spread throughout the academic year. Applicants have an opportunity to give an indication of preferred timing of the lecture as part of the application process. The UBC Health team will work collaboratively with all funding recipients to determine event dates and distribute them throughout the year. 

Will dialogue sessions be held online only?
Yes, at this time, Health After 2020 is a virtual program. 

When should the academic output be produced? Before or after the dialogue session?
The overall timing of collaborations will be unique to each proposal. Funding recipients will work collaboratively with UBC Health to determine timing, including when the academic output will be produced and if this will happen before or after the dialogue session. 

Who judges the applications?
The UBC Health Senior Leadership Team will recommend proposal selection and prioritization to the Associate Vice-President, Health, who will review the recommendations and make final decisions.

When will be funding recipients be announced? 
Applications will be reviewed as they come in. UBC Health will connect with potential recipients to discuss the collaboration and potential timing of the dialogue session component. Recipients will be notified on a rolling basis. 

Whom can I contact if I have questions?
If you have any questions, or would like to discuss your proposal, please contact Veronica Grant, Project Coordinator at